Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India Stanoxyl 50
Oral Steroids

Stanoxyl 50

40.00 USD

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical name: Stanozolol
Pack: 20 tabs (50 mg/tab)

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Stanoxyl 50 Detailed

Active Life: around 48 hours
Average Dose: Men 50-100 mg/day; Women 25-50 mg/week
Water Retention: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes
Aromatization: No

Stanoxyl 50 by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Stanozolol is one of the most popular and recognized anabolic steroid among bodybuilders, that's why most of steroid manufacturers make use of this opportunity and has this drug in their production. An exception is not Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, which during years have proved that they can offer to users high quality steroids.
For stanozolol, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals uses the branded name Stanoxyl 50. As you realized, the active component of Stanoxyl 50 is Stanozolol and it is 10 mg per tablet. It is sold by 100 tablets in a sterile sachet.
The main reason why this steroid is so popular is maybe because it does not convert to estrogen and an anti estrogen drug is not needed while using stanozolol. Also it does not give water retention and not giving gynecomastia.

Stanoxyl 50 HOW DOES IT WORKS?

The daily dosage of Stanoxyl 50 is usually 35 – 75 mg. Most often it is not taken alone, usually it is taken in combination with other steroids depending on desired goals. Testosterone, D-bol or Oxymetholone is added for bulking purposes. In this case stanozolol will balance out the cycle a bit, giving good anabolic effect with lower estrogenic activity. The result of this combination should be a gain in muscle mass with a low level of water and fat retention.
Stanoxyl 50 can be used in combination with Trenbolone or Halotestin. Such combination is usually for contests and dieting phases. The result should be a strongly defined and hard look of muscularity.

Stanoxyl 50 SIDE EFFECTS:

Stanozolol is a 17-alpha-alkylated, that's why for those who take this steroid for a long period of time and in high doses, liver toxicity should be a concern. Due to the liver toxicity it is recommended to those who take this steroid to limit their cycles to six weeks or less. If you decided to run Stanoxyl 50 for a longer period of time, you should monitor your liver values via blood test to ensure that no damage occurs.
Other side effects are: acne, prostate enlargement and aggravation of male pattern baldness. As i said earlier, to avoid dramatic side effects the dosage and the time of using should be strictly monitored.

Stanoxyl 50 Reviews
Nov 26, 2021 (18:22)

Great for leaning out. My new go to winny

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